Fight for each victory

Fight for each victory

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Always remember to slow down in life; live, breath, and learn.

(How I feel every time I get to do Oly!)

Today was beyond hectic. All my meals were grab and go, thankfully I had my meals and snacks portioned at to where I could just grab them and go. It was meeting after meeting and I didn't feel like I could gather my thoughts until I walked into Urban. Funny how a bustling gym can soothe my fraying nerves.

MOBILITY: band overhead stretch, 1 minute each side; band assisted pec stretch, 1 minute each side
DYNAMIC WARM-UP: 3 rounds of: 10 cat camels, 10 wrist rocks each way, 10 scap push-ups, 5 invert grip push-ups, 10 lat pull downs, 10 arm circles each way
SKILL #1: Iron Cross (feet in front on the ground, working on moving arms out)
SKILL #2: bar muscle-up (black band)
AMRAP in 5 Rounds of:
30 second ring support
30 second ring v-outs
30 second chin over bar hold
30 second pull-ups
30 second rest

Olympic Lifting:
Snatch from blocks, 3 sets at peak of 2 (3x3 @ 35kg)
Snatch from floor, peak of 2 (35kg)
By this time my shoulders were shot so I kept it light and worked on form

Meal 1:
1/4 cup Ezikeal ceral
1/2 med banana
6 Armor V
2 battle fuel
(I need to go shopping for eggs!)

Snack #1:
1 scoop SFH Endurance
1 tbsp nut butter

Meal 2:
5oz chicken
steamed mixed veggies
1/4 black beans

Snack 2:
1/2 cup non fat greek yogurt
10 almonds  

2 battle fuel

1 scoop Aminos

Meal 3: (in the making)
4 oz lean turkey
1 cup spinach 
10 almonds

Snack 3:
1 scoop SFH Endurance

Like I said, today was a whirlwind of a day so I didn't get the chance to keep up with taking pictures of my meals. Even with a busy schedule, I felt great. I had a lot of energy and didn't find myself wanting to gorge on food. But that isn't to say that I'm feeling awesome now. I'm beat after today! A crazy day at work and a couple awesome classes will do that I guess...on that note...have a wonderful night.

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