Fight for each victory

Fight for each victory

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Nobody has ever given their best...and regretted it (Iron Fitness Games)

I am a couple blog posts behind, but I've waited to write this one in particular in the hopes that I could gather my words and fully express my gratitude towards my fellow Warfitters, coaches and athletes alike. I know you're all wondering, and by you all I mean Rob, if I've been keeping up with my meal plan and I assure you I have! On Friday, my department went out for lunch and to the Musical Instrument Museum for our holiday party and I still brought my lunch with me (chicken, avocado, and quinoa...I ordered a side salad at the restaurant) knowing that I needed to able to control what was going into my body pre Iron Fitness games. In short, Friday was a really good day of meal planning and execution.

Saturday, the day that I've had set on my radar for almost 2 months now, was finally here! I woke up with excitement and anticipation coursing through my body. I had my usual breakfast of greek yogurt, berries, and Ezekiel cereal and then it was off to Tilted Kilt. From there I got settled in and tried not to think about who was in my division and who wasn't. My mind needed to not get caught up in the "who do I need to beat to accomplish my goal of being top three" but I needed to focus on just doing the absolute best I can do.

Event 1:
4 minute AMRAP of Overhead yoke carry (125#) for 30meters and 15 burpees
Going into this event, I had dreaded the burpees. I mean, let's be real, who really likes burpees anyway?!?! Right out of the gate, I'm one of the first girls to get the yoke down and back to start my burpees. To my surprise, I banged those bad boys out without too much struggle and got back underneath the yoke. I lock out, stay tight, pick it up and after the first 5-10meters, my shoulders give way and I couldn't hold the yoke for more than 2 or three tiny steps after that. My shoulders weren't giving me anything! I was so freaking frustrated, but I knew I couldn't quit. I had Ashley McBride and my sister screaming (encouraging things of course) at me at one end, Ellie Piffer cheering on the other, and my boyfriend on the side of my lane. All these people looking on as I struggled. I knew there was no other choice but to pick up the damn thing and get another round in. I ended up finishing last in this event so I knew if I wanted to accomplish my goal of placing in the top three, I had to really kick it into high gear!

Event 2:
4 minute AMRAP of 20meter sled push (100#) and 20m keg carry (75#)
I knew I had to bust through as many reps as possible in this event to even come close to that podium. At the sound of 3,2,1 GO...I pushed that sled with as much strength and speed as I possibly could. I managed to be the first on back to my keg and from then on continued to pull away with the lead. I loved having my Warfit family on the side constantly encouraging me to keep moving. I got to that point where I was gasping for air and my legs were on fire, but I couldn't stop! I NEEDED, more than anything at that time, to keep moving. I NEEDED to embrace the suck and be ok with feeling like I was going to die. That mentality got me 2nd place finish in this event.

Event 3:
2 minute AMRAP of axel from ground to shoulder, shoulder to overhead (75#)
I knew that my shoulders weren't going to allow me to do touch and go so my plan was to go ground to should, shoulder to overhead and than drop the axel from the top and just stay as consistent as possible. Two minutes was a long time after going back to back on those other workouts so consistency was key at that point. I got about 34 reps and ended up 2nd in this event as well.

After the third event, I was sitting in 4th place overall. I got to hang out for a while and watch some UHH-MAZING Urban Warfit athletes just slay it out there. I am so encouraged by the strength that these athletes posses and even more encouraged that they would turn around and cheer little ol' me on! I am so so so blessed to be apart of a family made up of so many amazing coaches and athletes!

I also had time to refuel, I packed my eggs and broccoli and had a protein shake

Event 4:
Atlas stone ladder and kettle bell swing (35#)
I was the very first person to kick off the ladder so I was nervous and wanted to really make sure that I made an impression on the ladies following behind me, showing them that I was a force to reckoned with. Gordon was my judge for this event and man was I amped about that! If you don't know the name, Gordon Chase, you NEED to know! After every load, he would remind me to breath and take my time. He was really a great coach and support at that moment. I also was really happy to have coach Roman behind me reminding me about form and technique. It can get hard to remember to keep good form when your adrenalin is pumping nonstop! I got all the way up to the 155# stone and holy crap it was so big! Heavy sure, but the circumference of that thing was insane! I just could get my arms around it to lap so I went right into kettle bell swings in the hopes that those would put me over the top in that event. I was ecstatic when I found out that I placed FIRST in that event!!!!

Event 5:
2000m Row 
So this event was news to all of us when we checked in that morning and my first thought was "I'm getting better at rowing so I should be fine!" Oh lordy was I wrong. My legs were jello, my arms were shot, and I was gasping for air! This was the hardest (not longest) row I have ever done! I was mentally drained and tired, all I wanted to do was say 'I can't' and call it a day. Heck, I even told Gordon I couldn't and he sure as hell wasn't having any of that! Before I knew it, I heard so many familiar Urban voices behind me cheering me on. Oh man it was the ugliest row in the history of rows and it took longer than I would have liked, but it was good enough for a 2nd place finish in the event and overall.

YES! That's right, I accomplished my goal of finishing in the top three of my division at the Iron Fitness Games!!!! I was absolutely elated! Usually I would go back and think of all the things that I could have done differently, to have done better. Not this time. I am going to celebrate this victory! No should have or could haves from me! Not this time!!!! I worked hard for this and I wont taint it with my typical undermining thoughts. I am so thankful for the support that I received yesterday. My heart was overflowing with such gratitude for everyone that took the time to encourage me throughout the day. Your kind words have not gone unnoticed and I am forever indebted to the athletes and coaches of Urban Warfit. You all are the athletes that I strive to be every day, and though you may not know it, you all have and will continue to play a huge role in my growth story. Every single volunteer was amazing in making sure things went off without a hitch and of course a huge thank you to Rob and Scott for putting on a great event! 

I was in awe of all the Urban athletes that competed yesterday. Everyone moved with such passion and determination, it was a beautiful thing to witness. Oh man. I LOVE URBAN WARFIT SO MUCH!!!! 

Rob Pyfer: Thank you! I don't know what else to say. My words will never be able to express how thankful I am for you, your family, and your desire to see people succeed. Just know that I am forever indebted to you, you've changed my life and I don't think I would have ever learned more about myself under another persons guidance. You're the best! 

Oh, and I totally treated myself to a cheat meal after my sweet victory :)   

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