Fight for each victory

Fight for each victory

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Keep your eyes on the prize

If there ever were a workout that I would cherry pick and take an extra "rest day", that day would have been today. Oh man I hate burpees. I hate rowing. I hate box jumps. I hate anything that isn't about lifting heavy things. But how will I ever get to where I want to be if I don't take every chance to face my "enemies" and just destroy them?

“Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?” 

Burpees. You're going to be my damned friend whether I like it or not!!!!!

Reluctantly, I showed up today. I think the hardest part for me, aside from the physical, is breaking through that mental wall when I'm doing WODs that have movements that I don't like. I find that when I get tired in my workouts, I totally fold. I can't get comfortable in that place of suck (technical term) and I start to give up. I had to keep telling myself, "shut up, get your shit together and let's do's just another workout" just to even get myself through the doors tonight. Seriously. I couldn't believe that I had so much apprehension about a freaking workout.

In an earlier blog I mentioned how burpees, sled pushes, and box jumps will wipe me out at the Iron Fitness Games so when I saw this workout last night, I knew I couldn't back down and run away from this. And I didn't. I'm going to put this out there: I want to be in the top 3 of my division come Iron Fitness Games and I won't let my weaknesses get the best of me! I'm keeping my eyes on the prize damn it!

Box Jump Over (7x2 EMOM)
Superset with 1 burpee every jump over
1000m Row Max Effort (3:55)
PR by 8seconds
4 rounds for time (17:56)
500m Row
10 Ring Dips (I scaled to dips off the bench)
10 Box Jumps (20")
10 Burpees

When all was said and done, I'm glad I didn't back away from my weakness. And trust me, I had enough excuses lined up to not show up! I even thought about just going to Oly and pretending that I'd do the 7pm class and then duck out when no one was looking. Yeah, today was a mental battle more than anything.

Meal #1:
1/4 cup Ezekiel cereal (used hot water instead of milk to make it an oatmeal consistency)
3 small strawberries
6 Armor V
2 Battle Fuel

Snack #1:
1 scoop SFH Endurance
10 almonds

Meal #2:
5oz chicken
1 stalk broccoli

Snack #2:
1/3 cup greek yogurt

1 scoop Aminos
2 Battle Fuel

1 scoop Aminos

Meal #3:
It'll either be chicken or fish tonight, working on getting dinner going
1 stalk of broccoli

Snack #3:
10 almonds
1 scoop SFH Endurance

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